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Yid - Silver-colored do-it-yourself capsule pendant - assemble your own keepsake jewelry easily and safely
Yid - Silver-colored do-it-yourself capsule pendant - assemble your own keepsake jewelry easily and safely
14 900 Ft

Yid - Silver-colored do-it-yourself capsule pendant - assemble your own keepsake jewelry easily and safely

Would you like to preserve an important memory?

You can make it yourself

Crushed breast milk? The first strand of hair cut? A lock of your love's hair? Small flowers?
Not an obstacle!

A simple, yet beautiful pearl pendant that you can make yourself.
We give the pendants a free steel link chain as a gift.

We include everything that is needed to make jewelry.

By buying several pieces at once, you can keep more memories at a discount or make a pendant for all the female members of the family
and you can even save on postage.

This is jewelry you can make it is completely resin-free, so it is safe.
It is easy to make, so it can be an excellent activity even with your older children.
You can make it quickly, even in a few minutes.
Because of its clean beauty, you can even give it as a gift.

Dimensions of the pendant:
1.5 cm capsule
2.5 cm including pendant holder

The sphere is made of special glass

You don't have to wait weeks for this piece of jewelry!
We post on the second working day of every week!

If you order 4 pieces, we will give you the post as a gift!

Received by 8:00 on Friday morning orders will be mailed next Tuesday!
14 900 Ft
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